Software Engineer, Microsoft

Community Manager



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Hope Oluwalolope is a Software Engineer at Microsoft and a Community Manager who is passionate about creating positive change in the world through kindness and technology. She builds services that manage Microsoft’s Cloud infrastructure and leads various tech communities that support women, Africans, and aspiring developers. She organizes and participates in events that cover topics such as tech interviews, cloud computing, observability, and career progression. She is always striving to create an environment that nurtures continuous learning and professional growth.

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Hope is a Software Engineer at Microsoft, where she works on critical services that enhance Microsoft's Cloud infrastructure. Beyond her engineering role, she shines as a Community Manager, where her passion for inclusivity propels her to lead and nurture tech communities dedicated to empowering women, Africans, and aspiring developers. She also organizes and contributes to several tech events and is dedicated to creating environments that nurture continuous learning and professional development.

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Hope is a Software Engineer at Microsoft where she builds services that manages Microsoft cloud infrastructure. Currently, her primary focus lies in facilitating the implementation of observability and OpenTelemetry standards within her team. She is also dedicated to ensuring that organizations wholeheartedly adopt and embrace observability practices. Hope also leads and contributes to various tech communities that support women, Africans, and aspiring developers.




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